Every year Max's school has Round up. It's a little fair with booths, animals and food. The boys always have a good time. This year Max (along with all the second graders) had to do square dancing. I wish I would have known how cute it was, cuz I would have invited all of yous to come. He was so stinkin cute!! Every time he passed near me he would try to wave. I was so proud of him. He still loves his Momma. Ollie spent most of his time flirting with the teachers and petting the animals. Harpy was happy as long as we gave him some scraps to eat. It's moments like these remind me- Holy crap, I'm a Mom! I have a family and we are going to school carnivals! Is that weird?
That is the cutest picture of Max square dancing!!! It just makes me want to yell.....
I recently talked to Jacque about the concept of being a real mom. Nurse a baby, take Eli to scouts, take Ariel to YW. Kind of weird. I think I like being a sort-of-mom. Change a diaper, watch cartoons, wander around the grocery store.
i MISS the round up so much! that was such a fun thing for our family to do. i remember tristan doing the second grade square dance and i LOVED it. bursting with pride, i could hardly stand it. sometimes it is SO GREAT to be the mom.
i wanted to tell you that we were at wal-mart the other day and tatum yell out, "yo gabba gabba beenies" so we turned around to see and there they were. she was so exceited and she had to have the foofa shirt. we NEVER buy clothes with characters on them but this was a must have and she has worn it every day for the last 4 days. just wanted to let you know. :)
YES. Yes it is.
Too Cute! PLEASE let me know next time!
You always have the best pictures...I feel like I was there too.
oh my gosh i totally did this in elementary school, too! i even had 2 boy partners because there was an uneven # of girls. max looks so cute in his cowboy outfit!
i love the picture of ollie. i can't wait till my kids have to go to things like this.
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