Max is obsessed with reading Atlases and maps. He comes home from school and tells me of all the neat places he wants to see. Like the Large white cross in "Bra-seal". Or the pyramids in Egypt. He wants to see the Grand Canyon and collect rocks. The boy literally talks my ear off and I love it. I would love to load the "Fam" up in one of these bad boys and go cross country. There is so much to see in the U.S of A, it seems like it would be so much fun. Am I crazy? Has anyone else done this with kids? Was it a nightmare?
My family had the Magna Utah equivalent of one of those, and when I was just a tad older than Ollie my whole family packed in the truck and the trailer attached to it, and moved to Maryland for two years. We made the cross country trip a few times in a few years... It was fun/misery. Just don't try to do the Marathon thing, that kills kids.
Well I haven't taken the family on a super long road trip across the country....but...we have picked destinations together, talked about it, studied it, and then went.
One of the BEST places we went with the kids (and they LOVED, LOVED, LOVED IT) was Williams, Arizona. We got up super early, and drove there, stopping at caverns on the way, which is sooo cool, and then got to Williams. We stayed over night at a hotel, and then the next morning boarded an old fashioned train that went to the Grand Canyon. While we were going, the train gets robbed by "friendly bandits". Its was an incredible trip. Its one that kids just got nuts for.
I also have lots of other great trips we have taken. If you are interested, let me know. : )
if you go, please come to Oregon.
i think it would be fun. maybe not with a baby but when they are older. i have a goal to take road trips with our family to see all of the national monuments and state parks. i think it sounds awesome.
Ask Mom & Dad...We took tons of road trips. The longest road trip was when we drove to Kentucky. I don't remember it because I was maybe 3 years old, so that means Terri was a baby.
I do remember staying at KOA's all the way up to Yellowstone. I think by the time you came along we were mostly doing family reunions in Idaho and camping in Yosemite each summer
I'll second Georgia; Williams AZ is so fun. At night they have a staged show-down, there's a haunted fabric store, and some good hole-in-the-wall restaurants. Also, on the way from Williams to the Grand Canyon is an RV park called Bedrock - yes, it's theme is the Flinstones. It's amazing. Actually, I have a bunch of pictures of it on my blog...back in June/July of 2008.
My family did road trips all the time, we just had lots of frequent (planned) stops along the way. It was fun!
I win this contest. When I was in elementary school our family drove in an RV across the country for a month to...wait for it... Montreal, Canada. That's further than driving to NYC. We did it in a giant loop too. A month. I guess it wasn't too bad because we did it twice. The next year we went to DC.
That camper is so rad. Where did you find that? Leave it up to you to find something so different than normal campers. But ya, you need to go on a road trip. You can totally do it with kids.
The road trip that I remember the most was before you were born. We were on our way to Idaho in grandpa Hansen's camper. The intercom between the camper and truck cab wasn't working. We were driving down the strip in Las Vegas, at a stop light mom got out of the truck cab to go back to the camper to make us something to eat; well just as she was opening the door the light turn green and dad took off and left mom standing in the middle of the road. It seemed like we went for miles before we could get dads attention. By time dad finally stop we were all crying, we thought we'd ever see mom again!
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