Last Fall, Oliver came back from Grandmas with a goldfish. He named him, Finny Speedy Schultz. My first thought was, this will not end well. I give Finny one week tops. I even tried to prepare Ollie for the inevitable, by saying how sensitive goldfish are and they don't live long. But he was not hearing it, for he was a fish whisperer. He always remembered to feed him, but never too much, He took him on walks and told Finny all his secrets. He honestly loved this fish.
Well, that loved carried Finny for 5 glorious months. Last week, Ollie woke up and screamed FINNY!!! And I knew...I knew that Finny had gone to the other side.
So we gave Finny a proper funeral in our bathroom. Ollie gave his eulogy, Max said the prayer and Harper was the funeral director. It was pretty cute. Ollie said some kind words, he said, Finny...I thought we were would grow up together. I took care of you the best I could. He took a couple of pictures on his DSI and then we said farewell.

What a sweet kid, I had a similar relationship with a goldfish except I was a junior in college and I won the goldfish at the OC fair. I forgot "Flimsy", my goldfish overnight in the car the day I won it so when I found it alive the following day (still in a plastic bag) I promised to take good care of it. Sadly, about a year later I found him under the couch, according to my roommates "Flimsy" committed suicide by jumping out of the bowl.
He was a good fish who lived through some scarey Harper events... I am happy Ollie had him for the 5 months he did. Rest in Peace Finny
5 months is a nice, long life for Finny!!!!!
I. LOVE. THIS. POST. What a sweet boy!
Ruth! Please! haha I love that you had a prayer... and a eulogy! That just completes my heart. Thank you. Thank you for posting this for me today. Bless you.
Oh, poor Finny! I remember being little and after the first "fish funeral" .. praying my fish would croak so we could flush them again.
Sounds like Finny was a lucky fish to have his very own whisperer! haha So cute!
Rite of passage!
Oh what a sad but cute face. So long finny.
First, I must pay my due respects with a moment of scilence for Finny.
Okay, "Oliver's awesome mom," in answer to your question: no, it's not a pain to squirt the food directly onto a regular spoon. That's what we've done the past few months, no big deal. If i found myself out somewhere with no spoon, I just squirt the food directly into her mouth. Super easy. I know Plum Organics offers single food pouches as well as some mixes, but again, I think Ella's has a better selection. the only hard part is that the good flavors sell out quickly at Babies R Us. So I always stock up when there's a good selection.
Happy Eating, Miss Davy!
His face is soooo sad. Poor guy. When my girls' fish died they were sad, but then the next day after the burial in the backyard, I caught them dissecting the poor thing's body. They had dug it up because they were curious what it looked like inside. Majorly gross. We have since flushed all other unfortunate scaly pets.
Love your blog. It's so nice to know that other mom's go through the same feelings. Thanks for sharing.
oh ollie. that kids loves animals (just like my husband). hopefully he'll marry someone who shares his love so he can fill his home with lap dogs, bird cages and fish tanks (in ryan's dreams).
At least they let you flush him! We've had to bury every darn fish we have die because my kids believe a bit obsessively in the second coming/body being reunited with our spirit thing. Not that I mind, I mean, it's what we believe but a fish?
Kids are the best.
I'm sorry RIP Finny.
My sons had a fish named, Swimmer Mooney Face Ziel.
Like you I expected a quick demise.
He lived for 2 years on our table. He was read stories, told secrets, and knew all sorts of trouble those boys caused.
When he passed it was *upsetting* to say the least. The eldest in complete distress the next day BEGGED not to go to school, he was grieving.
(He couldn't bear the thought of a funeral so he wailed and mourned in his bedroom while Dad laid Swimmer to rest.)
Now the boys have a dog.
Do you have a dog? Are you ready to get a dog?
Oh my goodness. How sad...but can the 3 of them get any cuter! Poor Guys!
It's so heartbreaking when a kid's pet dies, but man, are those precious pictures!
(Love your blog, BTW, I've been coming here since CJane spotlighted you.)
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