Please note that it's mid January and this outfit was completely appropriate for the weather we've been having. Welcome to Southern California!
Word up, Davy is Ten months ! This photo shoot was a complete disaster. I started clicking away and then realized I didn't even check my camera settings, so the first half of my pics were blown out. Ahhh nuts! Then Harper kept getting all up in my bidness. And Miss Davy was not to happy. I was gonna scrap the whole thing and then thought, nah, this is Davy. She is sassy and speaks her mind and plus I don't have the time for a redo.
This has been quite the month for Davy Jean.....
* She is weighing in at 15 pounds 13 oz and 28 inches long. She lost a little weight due to her infection, but we are gonna fatten her up in OT. Gotta love snack packs!
* She has been rolling over front to back all the time now. It's no longer a fluke. She means business. She will roll across the whole floor..... very s l o w l y.
* solid foods! She has sampled, pudding, suckers, bananas, yogurt, sweet potatoes and avocado. She has loved everything, minus the avocado. In fact she gagged and I can't say I blame her. I know, I'm weird......who doesn't love avocados? ME!
*One of the reasons for Miss Davy's tears was I was trying to show you her latest trick! We have gotten her to sit up for a good 10 seconds. It's a start, right? But I think I pushed over the edge with this shoot.
* Davy has battled a lot of sicknesses this month.Who could forget her 6 day vacation at CHOC. Not I. Hopefully we will not be repeating this any time soon. We've added amoxicillan to her med routine to avoid future UTIs.
* Out of all my children, Davy has the worst sleeping habits!! She rarely naps(boo). She goes to sleep at 5:30(yeah!), but wakes up at 12am and then again at 5am(boooo), ready to party. I have tried really hard to adjust her schedule to no avail. WHY, why won't she sleep in!!!!! Is 6am to much to ask?!! But 7am would be heavenly.
* She still hates her baths. Anyone got any tips? I'd love to hear em.
* She's still loven her walks. Pretty much every afternoon you can see me driven Miss Davy. It makes her so happy. Which makes in turn makes me happy.
*Davy is becoming a mommas's girl. I have to leave the room during physical therapy now. If she sees me , she cries for me to rescue her. I will take it while I can. I know she will turn on me and become a daddy's girl. They all do.

*please note her W formation in almost every picture. She's raising the roof. What what!!

What a crybaby, sheesh.

The blown out beauties. I tried to salvage them cuz she's not crying...eh.


You know it's not always rainbows and sunshine so some crabby pictures are just fine! Love em'. SO glad she is liking food & I can only eat avacado in guacamole! Love your blog, love little Davy...
Loved this post. You're so funny. Hooray for 10 months!
She is not a happy camper. You will treasure these photos along with the smily ones some day. You are just keeping it real. Those high maintenance babies can end up being really wonderful toddlers.
that is so MY life!! always a crying kid...
love these photos! it's real life. it's precious...you'll be glad you have pics of the "real" story too.
she is just so cute
I love your month updates, such a great idea, wish I'd done it! I love all the pictures, every time I see Miss Davy, I just melt!
She's a doll. I cannot believe she only gets up once a night!!! lucky ducky.
how about a shower? my husband always gives our babies showers and they've all loved it.
I feel kinda terrible for getting suck a kick out of her "sassy" pictures. I love the ones where she's sitting up and has only one hand in the air. (I'm a sucker for a good attitude picture - like the ones of kids screaming on mall Santa's lap - it's my absolute favorite picture of my girl- I'm so mean huh?!) My husband mercilessly makes fun of me when I am the "absent-minded photographer" and don't check my settings. The blown out ones were salvaged quite well. Good job Ruth!
She is so cute! I'd try giving her a popsicle in the tub. A little bribery for the sweetie :)
What a cutie pants! Those sassy sad pictures will be perfect to put in her photo slideshow at her wedding reception when she gets married. I'm sure she'll be sufficiently embarrassed :) As for baths...what always worked for me and my kids is for me to just get in the bath with them and have lots of fun squeaky, squirty toys. As for sleeping in, I used a fan running to create some white noise and that kept my kids asleep longer. good luck!
P.S. I am super jealous of your So.Cal. weather! Utah is an icebox. I am ready for winter to be OVer!
I was just telling a family at the hospital I work at about Davy, and I slipped and said, "My friend's baby has a repaired clefty..." How strange of me. I hope you know that you serve as an inspiration to other families that have children with extraordinary trials and tribulations!
Wow Ruth....10 months? I can't believe it!
Davy makes me smile.....hope you are doing well. Miss you!
Big month for Davy. Hospital, eating, rolling across rooms. You guys have been busy....
As for the sleeping, I sympathize. It stinks. I have a 5 year old boy who has woken up at 5:30am for his entire life. It makes me want to cry each and every day. At this age I tell him he can play in his room by himself until a decent hour but that doesn't stop him from making sure I know he is awake! I hope Davy learns the beauty of sleep soon.
Jealous of her outfit. It has done nothing in NYC but snow, snow, snow here since December. I'm over winter.
I love your blog and beauty.ful baby Davy. My kids loved a good bath in the kitchen sink with bubbles. I think the smaller space made them feel safe.
Drivin' Miss Davy. Thanks for your optimism. I don't know you personally, but I really do enjoy your blog and your sweet little girl.
Every darn month I'm shocked again that she and my Lola are the same age. Whatever, I'm old or something. Things that are usually normal totally surprise me all the time. Think of the fun at birthdays! I can buy my own presents and I won't remember what they are and everything is such a SURPRISE!!! Kidding. Oh and what was I talking about?
Oh right. Davy.
Bathtime. Bathtime for my boys was fantastic. Harper still loves them and he's 5. Lola, nosso-mucho. So I have to shower with her. Yes, hold her skin to dang skin (and I'm 7 months pregnant which means I'm clumsy) while we shower now. What's with these girls hating baths??? I loooooooooove bath time! Give this girl a bubble bath and you won't see me for WEEKS.
Also, one time I blew out all of the pictures of a bride and groom at the Salt Lake Temple because I set it to auto for the big "coming out of the doors hand in hand" moment which goes from dark to light and goes so fast you can't manually correct that fast. I think I died that day. At least a little bit in my soul. Thank goodness for fantastic 2nd and 3rd shooters. Whew!
Now that I'm taking all your day up with my lecture, I'll finish off by saying that I miss living there. 3 years and counting since we left, and I'm looking out at this damn snow...and then back to pictures of sweet Davy-bird and I want to punch your lights out. In the nicest way possible. I mean that with ♥, you know that right?
Okay, she is SERIOUSLY just the cutest thing ever. Makes me almost ready to try for #4. Almost.
haha i love her face in all these pics, so funny and cute. congrats on 10 months! she's doing so much, that's awesome.
I love her 'tude in these photos. She is just so cute with her W arms... I love the pics you take every month and her cute outfits.
I can't get my little 11 month old to change his sleep schedule either. 7pm to 530am every.single.night. no matter what. But at least he naps!
See if her OT has any suggestions for bath time! I'm on OT as well, and am giving ideas for bath time all the time! If she doesn't have any, let me know and I'll try to help!
hehehe i looove her "mean muggin'!"
Whew, she is adorable...even upset.
Anytime one of my babies is on an antibiotic (which my 11 mo old is now), I mix acidophilus into her formula after each dose and she never has diaper rash.
Glad she is much better and hope she begins to embrace naps. Oh my!
We found the kitchen sink to be the easiest bath time for our little girl. She was finicky, but being in a room that she was always in seemed to make it more comfortable and fun. Besides, she loved to be sprayed with the sprayer.
Good luck with that sweet little girl of yours. She has come a long way. Thanks for sharing with us.
Love the blown out pix- very retro So Cal! Mine, at 20 mo still wakes up at12:30am...my other one did this until she was 2yo and then slept thru the night like a pro. I am trying to be patient and focus on the bond moments is the wee hours of the morning...
I read the comments for inspiration...my baby (almost 1 year) HATES H-A-T-E-S H.A.T.E.S
I put it off for as long as possible.
Love the sass.
Yay for 10 months! Can you believe this weather we're having? We're in so cal too!
2 things ran through my head. how in the crap is she already 10 months old an how in the crap is it warm enough to lay your baby on the cement to take a picture in a short sleeve? Why oh why did I move?
I think that Month #10 is my fave photo shoot thus far; such sass!
Try taking a shower with Davy, she may love being skin to skin and snuggling while getting clean. Just a thought.
Love Davy's hair accessories. My baby girl is due in April and I am on the hunt to cute hair things to match all her outfits. Any tips??
Bath... Bubbles maybe? A frothy warm wonderland.
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