That Scott, he is always full of surprises. I thought we weren't going to be doing anything for Lovers day, but after the kids were in bed, Scotty had me go into our garage, where this was waiting for me. A cupcake feast! You see the way to my heart is with baked goods and my man knows it. It was amazing how much fun hanging out(by candlelight) in our garage was.

All we needed was some Thompson Twins playing and it would have been a scene out of sixteen candles.
P.S. Yes all 5 cupcakes are gone. And I wonder why I can't lose the baby weight.
That is seriously awesome! It makes me smile. That is true love!
Yummmmm! They are all gone???
Why do you think I volunteered to babysit?
I lovely love cupcakes!
What a sweet thing for Scott to do. Sounds like a great Valentines Day Ruth.
Yeah for love!!!!!
Oh I love it!! What a great husband, I'm glad you got a little romance in! I would have eaten all of them too! haha
You know what's funny, I was just talking about that moment in 16 Candles yesterday. We watched it last week and then one of my girls saw a shirt at Old Navy that said "I ♥ Jake Ryan" and we bought it. Funny stuff. And your Scott is just as dreamy as Jake, may I add. What man gets cupcakes and candles lit for you in the garage?! An awesome one...that's what.
aw that is so sweet. what a nice surpise.
i somehow made my way to your blog this evening...and i won't tell you how long i have spent catching up on your story. your family is beautiful. your sons are adorable and that sweet little girl of yours is gorgeous. what a lovely story you are sharing. beautifully conveyed. and how fun to read about your husband and yo gabba gabba! my boys have seen and LOVE yo gabba! thanks to your honey for being part of good TV for children. :) don't bite your friends comes in more handy than i would like to admit. :) xo
Those cupcakes look delicious! You guys deserved a "night out" even if it was just out in the garage. I have small kids and you just have to take what you can get!
that is so cute. i will always be thankful to scott for the advice he gave to ryan on our wedding day.
something along the lines of "There are five days you need to make special:
1. her birthday
2. anniversary
3. valentine's day
4. mother's day
5. Christmas. don't need money. make a heartfelt card, a mixed cd, but make it special." Thank you scott. He obviously practices what he preaches.
I just wanted to take a moment to say hello and that I have enjoyed looking at your blog tonight. Your family is beautiful. I came across it through another blog that shared about your fundraiser. People are so kind and generous. As a mom a 2 little boys and a daughter with special needs (Spina Bifida & hydrocephalus) I know how difficult and expensive life can get. I loved your post about how strong and caring your husband was after your daughter surgery. Our daughter has had 7 already and I can't even imagine doing it without him. He is pretty amazing too. Thanks for sharing your story. I will be praying for your family.
Thanks for your note Ruth. Small world for sure. Sarah is pretty awesome. She was the first person I met when I was pregnant with Annabelle. She has been a great friend and wonderful SB resource. It really makes a difference to have people who "get it" in your life.
I had totally forgot that Katie was on the show a while back and that they had friends affiliated with it.
Wishing you and your family all the best. Have a great week!
How fun is that?! And cupcakes are my ultimate weakness.. well anything sweet for that matte! Yay for surprises!
Hi! You don't know me, but I was forwarded your blog from a friend. I wanted to reach out and help in any way I can. My son is an oncology patient at CHOC. He was diagnosed when he was 22 months old with a rare liver cancer. He had six rounds of chemo and a liver transplant. It was a rough journey, but he is enjoying preschool and continues to have clear scans. This past fall, I began working at the CHOC Foundation doing fundraising. My family is so grateful for their leadership in saving my son's life, and I'm happy to give back in any way I can. Please contact me the next time you are at CHOC. I'd love to meet you and offer my support. My email address is
Hugs to your sweet family!
Kara Kipp
P.S. This is our Check out November 3, 2009!
Sooo sweet!! Love it! <3
Yup. I'm in love with your love.
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