Did you know that this week is feeding tube awareness week? Well it is.There is a whole web site dedicated to tubies. I have seen plenty of tubies at the Choc clinics, but have yet to see a tubie in the wild. I would love to spot one. I have to admit, I have gotten some stares while feeding Davy in public places. I am in no way offended by it. I get it...it's different. I am sure people are wondering what the heck I'm doing. I will say and I am sure most special needs moms would agree with me, ask me about it. I'll even let you watch up close.So back to the website...they really want to get a tubie kid featured on Sesame street. So there is a petition you can sign(if you don't mind.)
Davy has been having major success in the solid food department. But the poor girl can not get the bottle down quite yet. This picture shows it perfectly. She sticks it to the side and chomps, liquid pours out the other side and then she drops the bottle. Brittany (OT) thinks we should maybe try a sippy cup. So that is happening this Thursday. Wish us luck. Oh and if you have a tubie in your life give them a squeeze.
"a tubie in the wild" - love it. i joined the sesame street petition! hope the sippy cup works.
My SIL bought me some bottles with handles like these:
that I look forward to trying when my daughter gets big enough.
Good luck in the bottle department!
My niece is a tubie (well recovered, since she's twelve now) but it was pretty interesting to watch it all happen!
My 9 month old hates bottles but does pretty well with a sippy cup, good luck with it!
And I'm going to sign the petition now!
She is the cutest little tubie I know. Happily signing the petition!!!
I've seen a tubie in the wild. There's a little girl at church that is fed via a tube. Sometimes I see her family at Mass without her, and I wonder if the little girl is in the hospital or something.
I just gave a little thanks to God for giving people the smarts to invent something like a tubie!
We taught both of my boys to drink from a regular straw before they were a year old. I don't know if if would work with Davy, but maybe its worth a try?
I spent the last month at the NICU at Primary Children's Hospital in SLC and saw soooooo many tubies! Love those sweet darlings, and I love that your babe is doing so well with solids! She's such a trooper!
Out of curiosity, why is Davy having a hard time eating through her mouth (instead of her tubie)? Is this something that goes away with time and practice or directly related to some of the challenges she has? She's an adorable girl and seems to have progressed so much. Your blog is very inspirational... I look forward to seeing all the incredible thing she'll continue to do.
my 10 mo old can't figure out the bottle either- she does the same thing, chomps and chews, BUT she LOVES a sippy cup!
I second the straw method... if the sippy cup doesn't work. For some reason, my kids liked drinking out of a straw. I mean, they are everywhere! Good luck with Davy! I hope she does well!
Have you tried the pigeon nipple? It is hard on top and super soft on the bottom so just their tongue touching it makes the milk come out. We used that and the Mead bottle. That is what they recommended to us at Primary Children's hospital.
Oh my goodness I happened upon your blog from another persons blog. Your little girl is so cute!!!
I wish you luck on your adventure with finding a solution to the bottle problem!
-Girl 1
I removed my son's G-tube in August, after using it for 2 years. With names like Mini button & Mic-key button, they should petition to be on Disney Channel! Ha!
Yay for doing great with food!
Just wanted to let you know (you may already) that SNL talked about Yo Gabba in a skit on Saturday. Also, my kids who are sick this week are loving the new shows.
We have identical twin tubies, and I can't believe I've never heard the term before. I love it! (We keep a blog, too, if you're interested. cobbquad.blogspot.com )
Good luck and much lovely love to your family.
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She is the cutest little tubie I know. Happily signing the petition!!!
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"a tubie in the wild" - love it. i joined the sesame street petition! hope the sippy cup works.
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My 9 month old hates bottles but does pretty well with a sippy cup, good luck with it!
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