I can think of a million reasons why I love having a little girl. Reason number 5 would be..... Sailor dresses. I have long been envious at church when my friends daughters would show up in a little nautical number. If I could squeeze into this dress, I would. Actually the thought of that just made me giggle. I don't know if this would be as cute on a 35 year old.
What are some of your reasons? Or if you are an all boy mom(don't want to forget about you) what would be the first thing you would
P.S. In case your wondering........
Dress...$6, Dillards (online.) You know I got another in blue for later
Clip.....$5, Jellabee Jr. My favorite place for hair clips.
Shoes.......Old navy, last year for $2!!
Tights....99 cent store
Eek, I just realized I am in sweats in this picture. well the secrets out, I'm a slob.
Um, adorable! I could eat her up! And don't feel bad about the sweats...I've been in my Hello Kitty PJ's all day long ;)
Seriously, SO CUTE!
I love how she is crossing her legs. Such a cute little lady!
Can I just say how much I LOVE SAILOR DRESSES? Davy looks absolutely adorable in the outfit. I will have to e-mail you Gina's sailor dress picture. Its hysterical. It came with a cute little "sailor hat", which I put on her, and she was VERY MAD about wearing it. You can tell by the look on her face. I didn't care.....I thought she looked adorable.
Yeah for sailor dresses!!!
Not just sweats- but sweats with elastic at the ankles.
Wait until she wears little panties - so cute!
I didn't even notice the sweats, I noticed that your toenails were painted and thought..."wow, she's really put together!"
Love your blog. Your daughter is adorable. I hope you don't mind me coming out of hiding to admit I love your blog.
The cutest thing would be if you and Davy were wearing matching sailor dresses. Too much? Nah.....
She looks so big in thses pictures! I love her little pose with her crossing her feet.
And of course you bought her entire outfit for under $15.00
I love being a mom to daughters too... 3 of them. It is so much fun to do the girl thing with them. From dressing them up to one day having them dress you up : )
Hi, just started reading your blog recently and love it!
When I was a teenager learning to sew I made an infant's sailor dress ( yeah, I was secretly "that girl", the one who played an instrument and read Jane Austen). Three boys later and that little sailor dress is still packed in what I know call my "Hopes Deferred" chest. I'm pregnant again but I have the feeling that it will probably remain something for me to dress my cats in one day when my boys have turned me into a crazy old lady.
Didn't even notice the sweats- just the great mani/pedi! ;)
How cute is she?!! And look at those shoes!! I want some!! :) I never had the courage to go nautical... All the dresses I saw 4 years ago were definitely not THIS cute!
Best part of having a girl.. is getting to act like one! Growing up having all brothers and all boy cousins close by it was hard to like lace and ruffles.. I now have at least 5 different pieces with either ruffles or lace - and the number is growing haha.. I owe it all to my daughter - her love of all things girly has converted me!
I have to agree with everyone else... didn't notice the sweatpants - and wish I would make time to paint my fingers and toes.
She's precious! As a mom of 3 boys, I dream of bows. Lots and lots of bows.
I love the sailor dress...wanting some for my twins (girls...) and I'd always loved the idea of bows and clips, but my babes just don't have the hair yet and they cannot abide the headbands....my son on the other hand, loves to put my hairclips in his blonde mane...hmmmmmm....(no sailor outfits for him, my husband is a soldier!)
She looks adorable! Having 3 girls of my own I have to agree, it's so much fun to dress them up. I finally had a little boy last year (yes he's our last). I will admit that when I first started shopping for boys clothes it was a tad bit disappointing. Now I love it!
I actually have some beautiful vintage baby dresses someone gave me recently. My girls are too old to fit some of them. I'd love to send a few your way if you'd like for little Davy. Hope it's okay to offer. Love your blog by the way. If you are interested in the dresses please send me a message. summietummer@yahoo.com
oh come on - it does not get much cuter than this. and good move getting the navy one, too. xoxo
Love the dress, love the jaunty little pose and the red shoes too! She looks like she feels SO much better and that makes me very happy!
Love the dress, love the jaunty little pose and the red shoes too! She looks like she feels SO much better and that makes me very happy!
oh my gosh, she is absolutely adorable!! You have a very cute little girl on your hands :)
uh, YEAH. ADORABLE and everything else everbody else said.
AND, I'm with you, just found out we are having our 4th BOY.
So...do we go for 5? Oh man that sounds like a lot of kids..and still there is still a chance I could have 5 boys...can you imagine?!
meanwhile... I can enjoy the cuteness that is Davy What a sweet girl you have!
i am totally, utterly, in love with her...
I LOVE sailor dresses, we took family pictures with our two girls in matching dresses (almost exactly like Davy's just navy instead of white), they kill me! I would wear one, I don't care if it looks silly on a 30 year old! haha
i love her standing up! miss davy is the cutest little sailor. and i didn't even notice the sweats bc i was like "ooh, i like her dark nails, i need to do that to my nails again." i'm wearing paul's flannel pj bottoms right now bc i need to do laundry...double slob! haha.
(THANKS for the shop shout-out! you're awesome!)
Sailor dresses are super awesome! I got a sailor suit and a sailor romper for my little boy- and I can't say that dad's all too pleased. Though I told him that if I'm gunna do it, I've gotta do it now- because sailor suits on little boys are questionable, while on under 1 year olds is still awesomesauce. Romper picture is here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/venusinfurs/5468502189/
I love the little dress and red shoes though, that's a fantastic combo that makes my ovaries ache for a little girl.
I never thought i would care but I care SO much. I love putting pig tails on my daughters hair. oh and I love love love changing her little earrings every week to match her church dress.
awwwww so cute!
I seriously hope you know that Davy brings such a huge smile when I scroll down, and there she is! Love the dress and that little pose(red patent shoes to die for!) So adorable.
okay ruth...those are the cutest pictures EVERRRR :)
I always say you see beauty in a girl everyday. Little girls are just so dainty and sweet, it's hard not to and that's what I love about having a girl but..and I hope I don't sound cheesy or superficial, but I love having my daughter in ballet lessons. I beam with happiness while I watch her through the window and she's in the studio dancing. She loves it and I love watching her dance.
So I guess I'm the one person who is going to admit that I noticed your sweats and the elastic at the bottom (how rude) - however I won't admit whether or not I'm wearing the same thing right now! :) Mom of four boys here who would love to hear all your "reasons" so I can live through you. Super cute sailor!
She is adorable!!!!! I love the dress!! I have two boys, no sailor dresses for me....
So cute and so big! I cant even stand it. I REALLY need to visit soon!
First of all, Dillards (online) is my bff. Secondly, that dress is THE CUTEST! I saw the navy one on there, but they only go up to 9 months and my 11 month old Lola wears 18 month clothes because she's a baby mammoth!
Oh and I miss the 99 cent store. We don't have those here in Utah. Only Dollar Tree and it sucks so bad! Anyway, moms are supposed to wear sweats. It means we're doing our job...right?
Love that Davy! She could wear a potato sack and be cute.
I love having a baby girl that only laughs at her big brother. And almost nothing else.
I've seen a top at H&M which looked like a sailor's top. But it was for women.
And I followed your tip via Christy's blog; I made him kick off the celebrations. Twice actually because he kicked too softly the first time. ;-)
adorable....love how she's crossing her legs :)
I love little, tiny pigtails. Soooo cute! With 4 girls (and a stinky ole boy) I've done lots of hair. That's my fave.
Davy's a doll!
She is so cute! Love her name! My daughter also was born with a cleft pallet and has a g-tube. She is 18months. I don't know how you have the time to do all that you do! Love your blog!
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