Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Adventures of little Mario

Ollie and Max have been OBSESSED with the Mario Brothers for sometime now. We bought them a collection of little action figures. They are all long gone now. All but one, Lil Mario. He is less than an inch tall and his paint is starting to wear off. It is kind of creepy how he keeps getting lost and then reappearing. Ollie insists on bringing him places and i always say" you're gonna lose him". When he does lose him we always find him in the most randomest spots. Like in the middle of the street or in the grass at baseball practice a week after practice. Stuck beneath couches and carseats. You name it. When we find him Ollie giggles and says "see mom, told ya". Right now he is lost again. Ollie has faith he will come home. So if you happen to see Lil Mario send him are way.

This is completely unrelated but funny. Today at Target Harper was starting to fuss and Ollie said" Harper is buggin me out Mom". What? Buggin you out? No more gangsta rap for him.


Colt Bowden said...

Its still in the imagination waiting to move to the arts and crafts room, then to the blog, but Ruth, you are the future candidate of the "Blog" Emmys for best daytime hostess. Gold ribbons a a 6 ft tall statue of a mom holding her 6 month old on her hip with her hair in a pony tail.. The kids would polish it every saturday for morning chores to earn their allowance..

p.s. thanks for the COLT 2 link! so stoked, it makes for good split personality blogging..

Georgia said...

I have to be honest Ruth.....I think Lil Mario is starting to "bug me out" a little. Haa-haa. Don't kids crack you up???? Always something to laugh about!

whitneyingram said...

What is creepy is the look on Mario's face. Kind of like a pedophile.

Katie Schultz said...

The best part about this post is that you already had the mario figurine's picture, so even though he is lost you can put lost toy signs with a pretty helpful picture. Way to be prepared

Crystal said...

Haha when we were in Mexico Ollie runs up to Corey and I. "Im Luigi, Max is Mario, and your Princess Peach!" I point to Corey "Whos he" Ollie sizes Corey up, this says with slight disgust. "He's Toad."

still amuses me to think about it. haha