So did I totally jinx myself with my New Years resolution or what? What was supposed to be 48 hours turned into a 6 day stay at CHOC. It was kinda scary, because we didn't know she had an infection, we didn't know to up her adrenal meds, which caused her body to shut down. She was so grey and lethargic, she didn't even want to be held. She was a sad sight indeed. Then, Monday morning Davy woke up with a smile, snort and leg kicks, so we knew she was starting to feel better.
I have been so worried about Davy getting the flu or a fever, I never even thought to worry about a UTI! How am I supposed to tell if my baby has a bladder infection? So we will now be adding a urologist to Davy's list of Doctors....yay!
As you can see Davy is back to her sassy self. It's good to be home.

I'm pretty sure we met our deductible week 2 of the new year.
Yay for being home and happy! That is so scary. Glad you were able to get her the care she needed. I was always worried about UTI's with my little girl.. because you can't tell they have them for a long time! Hope you can make those nasty things stay away for good!
Glad to hear that Davy is feeling better!
Don't be too hard on yourself, UTI's are hard to spot in babies because they are so rare. After Della got her first one she got to have an ultrasound and another test that I won't go into too much detail about. So you can look forward to that! Don't worry, it's not even a tiny bit as bad as what she's already been through. Good luck with that! I am so glad she (and you) are home. Six days is a long time!
I am so glad that she is feeling better and back to her spunky, cute self:)
Oh my gosh, she is so cute! Love those pictures of her. Glad you are home and hope you will have calm for awhile. Oh, and this may be my first comment on here, but I love your blog and think Davy is absolutely adorable.
So happy to hear that Davy is back to her sassy self. I'm sure home feels great!!!! Big hugs to the whole family!!!
She is so cute!! So glad she is home and feeling better.
Oh happy day!! Praise the LORD!!
Glad you're back home.
Cute outfit =)
That is a great picture of sweet miss Davy - glad she is home and doing better - what a scary week for you guys!
Yeah for being home! Our 4 year old had kidney reflux so she had a lot of UTI's. They were really hard to catch, and I had to learn her signs. Subsequently we made a lot of trips to the pediatrician and did a lot of urine cultures. She ended up having surgery to straighten the catheters and stop the reflux, and we've been UTI free for 2 years. So don't be too hard on yourself but be proactive and ask them about kidney reflux, especially if she has another one.
Good News! Happy your baby is feeling better :) She is super duper cute!
So glad Miss Davy is on the med. She is such a doll! Its SO tough when they can't tell you what exactly hurts.
We too have had our share of UTI's and extended hospital stays from them. It's a scary thing and I am sorry you and Davy had to go through that!
Sending Love!
sweetest little girl ever! thrilled she's feeling better. way to go getting the drama out of the way in the first month of 2011. the rest of the year can only be better.
Wow, six days! I'm sorry, that just sucks. I'm really glad you're all home and that she's doing better. I wish we were friends, I would love to snuggle that sweet baby! (Sorry if that sounds creepy, that was meant as non-creepy as possible!) :)
What a sweet little girl. So glad things are going better.
Lovin' that skirt!
Glad she's feeling better.
great news! 6 days is craaazy long. so glad it's done!
I just LOVE your little girl! I am so glad she is doing better! Don't be too hard on yourself; there is just so much you have to watch out for. You are doing a good job :)
So glad she is home and doing well! You had my prayers!
I stumbled upon your page by chance. I am a FTM to Identical Twin boys that were born at 25 weekers. Your page has me in complete bawl-your-eyes-out crocodile tears. Davy is adorable! Through reading your page I was reminded to be thankful for the journey that my boys have faced thus far. I was reminded to be thankful for every day I have with them. I was reminded to be thankful even for the days that they don't progress or digress. Davy seems like quite the sassafrass littl emiss! I am glad to hear that she is home and doing well. We aren't sure when our little guys will be home but, we're just hoping they continue to thrive. God Bless you and your family!
could she be any sweeter? you and your davy girl are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love the pictures!1 So happy we have our Davy girl back!
I'm thinking it makes me feel like a crazy person leaving a message on a strangers blog...hmmm...oh well. I am not a big blogger/blog reader but I read yours and have become a fan of you, your three boys (I have four) and especially a fan of Davy. If you ask for prayers...then I pray! How could I not pray for that darling girl? Glad she's home.
When I first read about your ER visit it reminded me of my little girl with Renal Reflux. I hope little Davy is feeling so much better.
her hair is getting so light!
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