I used to be worried about how kids would react to Davy. Not that they would make fun of her cuz she's a baby and wouldn't care. I was more worried for them. Is that weird? I always try to explain to kids before they see her. I explain what a cleft is and how to not to be afraid to ask questions etc. For the most part I find kids don't care. Some are drawn to her even more, Like June here.
Last week we had a play date with a boy that had never seen Davy and I forgot to "explain" her cleft. He walked past her and yelled" the baby!"My SIL, Nan thought Davy was falling out of the stroller or something. But then the boy said. "That baby's nose is sucking her lip up into her face!" I started laughing, I don't know why I thought it was so funny. I guess it's cuz that is exactly what it looks like. And kids just call it how they see it. He wasn't being mean, just honest. So what do you think? Is better to explain to kids or let them come to me with their questions?