The Boys finally got to meet their little sister. We took them last week before her surgery. First we met with a family councilor, who explained what they were gonna see. They also could ask any questions. Of course there were many. Max asked really good ones like. "What is our main concern with our sister today?" At the time it was her tummy and her surgery. Ollie asked "What happens when she has a cold? will she eat her boogers?"

When we first walked in, Ollie was so concerned. He asked if he could touch her. He had his hand on her the whole time. He really wanted to hold her, but we told it him it's too hard with all her IVs. Max was enthralled by all the machines and wanted to know about all the meds she was getting and why.

In case your wondering we are short one child... Harper. I kept having these visions of bringing him and him pulling wires and being taking out of the NICU screaming. So Harper will have to wait to meet Baby sister.........I don't think he minds.

** Thanks Heather & Pierre for our cool big brother shirts.**
Glad to hear it went well. The boys look so concerned in the pictures.
BTW, you look fantastic. No one would know you just had a baby.
I don't know you, but I love your blog - your little Davy is so precious. She's been through so much, so quickly. Thank God for modern medicine. I will be putting you on my prayer list. God Bless your family.
Hi, I stumbled across your blog not to long ago and was struck by your amazing photography, but now I am struck by your situation with your sweet little Davy. I hope that everything works out for you guys and, like the previous follower said, I will put you guys in my prayers.
Ruth, I got very teary eyed with this. I love Max and Ollie's questions. haha. I'm so proud of them for being such big kids when they met their baby sister. What great boys! Love them lots and am so proud to be their auntie. I love the brother shirts too! Who took the pictures?
Hey Ruth- That was a very sweet post. thanks for the pics and letting us feel involved. I love how deep in thought your boys are. I love their questions and they they got to ask ANYTHING they wanted. I just want to know what the counselors response was to the boogers. Anyway, you opened the tears with that one. What a sweet day..
Christy-- Beth came and was our photographer and our just- in-case- the- boy -needed-to-leave-persom.
How wonderful for the boys to get to meet and see their sister. You can see how much they are concerned and love their little Davy girl. I love the one photo of all you together! Beautiful!
Tearfully looking at these cute pictures! What sweet boys and sweet parents. I want to say thanks too for letting us feel apart of things. You are on our minds so much!
Amazing post Ruth, It warmed my heart(zero sarcasm involved) My co-worker just looked over at me and said "uh,are you ok?". I love Davy! I'm not much of a commenter but I really liked this one. Thanks for sharing.
I think your oldest looks like you Ruth!! What handsome boys you have,and from the concern on their faces you can tell that Davy has two very protective BIG BROTHERS!!! I love the picture of your family with Davy minus one of your boys, so thoughtful and precious. Your family is in our prayers.
These pictures are so sweet. I don't even feel lame over getting a little misty-eyed.
I love your Davy girl...I get all choked up following her story. Thinking of you often. Much love & many prayers. xoxoxo Nikki
Beautiful pictures Ruth. I think a lot of people will be inspired by little Davy. She has already touched so many people and she's not even a month old!
Don't know you, but I have you and your precious Davy on my prayers everytime I remember.
This is so cute and it totally reminds me of when my brother was born...he's the youngest: 3 girls and a boy. anyway, he was really sick and had all of these issues, needed and had surgery, was in the hospital. I was only 5 but I remember we couldn't go to see him in the hospital. It all went by so fast though and before we knew it, he was home with us.
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