These are my least favorite pictures of Davy. They were taken tonight. She is so lifeless and hooked up to so many machines. Surgery and fluids have made her puffy and swollen.

Davy has now been in the NICU for over 3 weeks. She just had her first surgery on Friday. She had a malrotation in her intestines, her appendix out because it was in the wrong place and a feeding tube put in. It's been a rocky recovery for her. She isn't recovering as they would have liked. She has not been able to breathe on her own. She is on a machine called an oscillatory ventilator that breathes for her. She also has pulmonary hypertension and is on medications for it. And last night she had a blood transfusion. She is heavily sedated, so she is feeling no pain when the poke her with needles. We are not allowed to hold her and touch her too much. So we sit in a chair next to her and talk. If I were Julie Andrews I would sing to her, but I'm not, so I don't.
** Scott just walked in from the Hospital, he said she is making baby steps in the right direction. They have turned her ventilator down a little. So.......good news.
Davy girl is a fighter.....baby steps are steps in the right direction!!!! Keeping Davy and the family in my prayers Ruth. She is such a beautiful little girl!!!! I am also praying for the doctors and nurses who are caring for her. They are amazing! Big Hugs!!!!!
love that first picture of davy. she looks so content and happy! i'm so glad her surgery went well and baby steps in the right direction are still steps! :) that's so hard to not be able to hold her as much as you like, but i'm sure you'll make up for it as soon as you're able! :)
Hi Ruth! I'm Nanette's friend up in Camarillo. Just caught up on your blog and wanted to send some extra hugs and kisses to little Miss Davy!!! It must be so hard not to be able to hold your little love. Stay strong!
She has beautiful eyes...
Hang in there Ruth. She is a fighter. We will be sure to say extra prayers for you and your family and especially Davy.
Julie Andrews or not she would love to hear you sing! You are amazing ruth, even on the hard days! I remember that first night of her. She really was so beautiful. What a great experience that was.
She has Scotts eyebrows. Little dark, half moon crescents. Hang in there. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Can we bring you some Miguel's next week?
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