Ollie was born March 23, 2004 at 9:43pm. He weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches. His labor was my easiest. As a baby he liked to be held. A lot.

I started the Month pictures with Ollie. (thanks to Amber) I've come a long way since then, huh.

Ollie has always had amazing hair. I am really jealous actually.

This is one of my favorite portraits of Ollie. He is One.

One of my favorite things about baby Ollie was, 1. He would play with your hair when you fed him(by breast or bottle). 2. He was a Mommas boy. I say was, cuz now he has turned to the dark side(Daddy's boy)

Ollie always makes you feel like a rock star when you come home. He always gets you with a happy shriek of "MOM!!!!"( or dad)It really makes you feel good about yourself.

This is one of our Christmas pictures. He has always been the model. But on his clock only. You can't force it or you will not get ONE picture, trust me. There are many grand kid pics where I'm holding him down screaming.

Oh Ollie. This says it All. When he was a toddler he was pretty angry all the time. I realize now his brain was to big for his little body. He was pretty mad that he couldn't communicate what he was thinking. When he'd get in trouble for something he would give us "the silent treatment". It would start with a dirty look, then he would go under the table, Point at you and mouth the words he would've liked to have said to you. Oh I miss those days. P.S these pics are when he got into my make up, then got mad at me for laughing.

There is nothing like Ollie's laugh. It is The cutest!

Ollie Loves his big brother Max. They are best friends. Max snubbed for years though. He said When Ollie turns 3, I'll ask him to be my friend and he'll say Yes. And it was true. I hope they remain this close forever.

There is so much to say about this boy. I am sure your bored by now, but I'm going on.
Ollie is my cuddle buddy. We love to get his blankie, snuggle on the couch and watch Spongebob. He gives the best kisses. He is really into the double kiss on the cheek
(think European style)He thought of it on his own too. He loves to be funny and perform.(on his terms) Ollie's one wish that he always wishes for is, that people will listen to him. 1. because he's bossy. 2. Cuz he likes the attention. When he grows up he wants to be a Director(like his Dad). That pretty much means he will have people listening to him all day, his dream come true! By the way, now that Ollie his 5 he wants to be 10.
I love you shorty. You really have no idea how much.
Thanks to you who braved through this long post. C'mon it was worth, right?
I braved through the whole post because it's cool to see the sheer love you have for your children!
I LOVED this post! Even for the length. It wasn't even that long really. And the pictures were totally worth it. So cute! It's so funny to remember those stages of Ollie. I started giggling every new picture cuz I totally remember him in each of those years. He has had so many different looks...and yet he's only 5 years old. I keep forgetting he's only 5. He's been 10 since he was a newborn...playing with gadgets and computers and cell phones. I loved when he bonded with Brian (my husband computer geek) when Brian let him watch while he took a computer apart. He was enthralled. What 4 year old does that! Amazing. Happy Birthday Ollie! We'll talk to you tomorrow.
Definitely worth it. I feel like I got to know Ollie a little better since I was away in the 909 during those formative years of his life. I agree, that picture of him when he was one is one of the cutest pictures I've ever seen.
Wowsers 5! has it been that long? he's only 6 months behind my girl. He is a very cute litle mop head isn't he. I love his hair. It's fitting, you have no girls and you are a hair dresser. He has beautiful hair. hmmmmmmm....
It's always the boys that have the long eye lashes and wonderful hair isn't it? Happy Bday little Man.
P.S. Sophie did the same thing with Mac, who turned 3 last Saturday. She said, "I will be his friend when he is 3" Funny!
such a cute little blondie! he really does have the best thick hair. and those pictures of him below mugging and posing for the camera at max's baptism are hiLARious. i think the longer the post is the better.
D A R L I N G!!!!!!!!
Totally worth it. You have some amazing pictures of Ollie, he will be thanking you later on when he has to do a wedding picture collage and he has so many choices.
Love that kid! When we went camping Eliza was getting frustrated with her kite that it kept coming down. (It was a little too windy) Ollie said, "Eliza let me teach you a little something about kites!"
Ruth! I'm so glad you commented on my blog, especially because that led me to your sweet blog! I completely love it. I think your boys are so adorable, and I wish you and I would've had more time to chat while I was in town. Maybe there will be a next time. :) Until then, I'll be checking in on your blog from time to time, for sure...
i REMEMBER the silent treatment!!! that was awesome. i kinda miss it. man, i love that little boy.
Cute...I Really did forget Ollie as baby Ollie... It was fun to see all the pictures! Love it!
Cute...I Really did forget Ollie as baby Ollie... It was fun to see all the pictures! Love it!
Ruth...that was a darling post. I love his modeling pictures with all of the kids...what a fun personality he has! Man every time I see your pictures I just love them! You are so cool!
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