Harper Has been sick this week. The first half he had HIGH fevers.(104.5!!) The second half he had irritable bowel syndrome(extremely irritable). I decided I liked the fever half better. He turned 10 months on the 5th, so i tried taking his 10 month picture. Bad Idea. He was P.O'd. I figure I would still post a couple for some laughs. But I'm gonna redo them this week. The only time he would stop crying is when Scott fed him some frozen yogurt(homemade I might add). I think this is the first time he hasn't smiled for the camera.
Poor Harper.....I sure hope is he feeling better!
One thing is for sure.....he may be sick, but he still is SOOOO DARLING!!!!
Ahhh, but the porridge seemed to do the trick!
poor thing. love the etch a sketch though
That kid looks pissed in the first pic.
that is so sad...for you too.
Okay, Harper is still extremely cute, even when he's crying! The one where he is happy while Scott feeds him, he is beautiful!!
i think this is a perfect 10 month pic. it's baby angst. :)
He's cute even when he's sad. I hope he is feeling better. He was sick for so long. Poor little guy.
again...weird how much he looks like scott...
Dr. Jeckle Mr. Hyde... I'm liking the etch-a-sketch. Very creative... I liked Baby Wendy's blocks though... it's a tough call.
I hope Harper is feeling better. :(
re-do etch-a-sketch!
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