This first picture was definitely the money shot. I loooove it. One of my favorites of the year even. She looks like a littleangelstraightfromheaven, yes she does.
So we are at nine months now. Let's see what this month held for Davy....
*Davy is weighing in at 16 pounds 4 ounces(7Th percentile) But she is 28 inches long which puts her in the 57Th percentile. She is our little string bean.
*she got her third tooth(actually it's really her 6Th, but the first three fell out)The third is on the top right of her clefted gum line. It's a pretty dang huge tooth too.
* It's seems like forever now that I have been fighting with my insurance to, 1. get tubes in her ears(done today) and 2. get her into occupational therapy to go along with her physical therapy. Finally....finally we got her in for OT. She is being seen 3 times a week. Once for PT and twice for OT. I have notice so much improvement already. I am excited to see all the new tricks she is gonna learn. But mostly we are excited for her to learn how to eat. Scott stresses that she is not eating solids yet. But her GI doc told Scott to chill out(his words.) And that we have to realize we are not on a quick fix of a couple of months. We should think of it more as a 5 year plan. I have to say this really took the stress off. I now am able to relax a bit. I am not so sure about Sir Scott though.
* Speaking of PT, we have been doing this for 6 months now. We are actually in the middle of her 6 month evaluation. Her therapist has a checklist of tricks and either Davy is doing them or she is not. This is how we know how far behind she is in certain areas, Well during the eval she asked if she was able to rollover front to back. Which I answered no, it's only been back to front. As soon as I said it Miss Davy rolled on over to her back! I was in shock. I think she really likes to make me look like a liar. She has been trying to do it again but she always gets her arm stuck, so she doesn't' quite make it over. But she is on her way and I can see her trying.
* She is in love with her johnny jumper chair. She used to hang out in it with an occasional Beyonce bounce. Now she's jumpy jump jump jumpin all over the place.
* I am sad to say this was Davy's first Christmas and I some how did not take one picture of her!!! Really, not ONE!!! How did I forget this?!! Can I recreate Christmas? Is that crazy talk? I guess these pictures will just have to suffice. I have to admit this is killing me.
* when you hold Davy, she likes to do 2 things. 1. she likes to look at your face and caress it. and 2. she holds her arms out in a W. The above pic is kinda showing it. Seriously she is always in a W position. I've tried it for myself and it's not that comfortable Davy, I don't get it.
* Are you ready for her greatest trick? Well take a peak below. Tu- dah!! We have been working every feed with a bottle first. It's a pretty messy affair. I would say about half goes in and the other half goes out. I usually have her wrapped with a bib and a towel. But what is even more a crazy is that she reached up and tried to hold the bottle.!! She did it for like 30 seconds. So cool huh? She really tries to bat at it a lot too. But we are just so happy that she is showing any interest at all. Davy has had an oral aversion, but I think those days are coming to an end. Now we just have to teach her how to suck and swallow right. And then i think we will be seeing a lot more of these pictures.
*I think Davy is going to be either a cheerleader or a referee when she grows up.
*On a side note* Today's procedure went great. Tubes are in! She has been a little fusspot today, but nothing I couldn't handle. Tylenol and a walk in the stroller. I'm so glad the sun was out today!!!