Monday, May 11, 2009

Play Date with Magnolia & June

Ollie and Harper had friends(Mags and June) come into town. My friend, Julia, has been traveling with them on the road for a couple of months. So they get pretty excited to have buddies to play with. Ollie was especially excited to play in her home which was a tour bus!! She had a bunk she slept in with her own TV! He wished he had a bus to live on too. After the playing, I was able to see Magnolia's Mom and Dad play at the Glasshouse. They were amazing! I would put their latest album as one of my favorites of last year. If you don't have it yet, I highly recommend buying it. Check them out here.
This was a in depth game of follow the leader
                                                     Even Max had fun playing with them.

                                Harper and June discussing the state of the economy.
                                                        Ollie in Magnolia's bed.
                                                                see more pics here


Katie Schultz said...

Wow Ollie is so cute with that little girl, I think he has a mini crush

Melany said...

go figure that scott and ruth are friends with mates of state! that picture of harper with one of their little girls is so cute/funny, i love his facial expression.

Madeline said...

I know this is an old post, but I'm a huge fan of the show your husband created, and will tell you Magnolia was in the same ep as Ollie!