First things first, How cute is this little bee?!! My mom crocheted this puppy in about an hour! I was just sad I couldn't take her to the Halloween party to show her off. I will have to make due with bragging on the blog. Do you think it would be too much to have her sport this look as daily wear?
Davy actually was 7 months the day after her surgery. I didn't think she was down for a photo shoot at the time , so I held off until she was a little bit more chipper. There has been some definite improvements in her the past couple of days. She is becoming more like herself.

I feel like this was another big month of changes with Davy. For instance......
* she is waving Hi. OK, not really but doesn't this picture look like she is. She IS actually opening up her hands a lot and not keeping them in a balled up fist. That may seem insignificant but it's something we've been working on with her therapy.
* this a a biggie, she can support her on wait on her feet. She would always blob forward when we tried to pull her to a standing position. She loves her jumper, even though she isn't quite jumping yet. It's more like the homeboy clubbin bounce.

* she has pushed out and lost that third tooth finally. I actually think she is teething for real now, Hew bottom gums are swollen and she is drooling more. Not the best timing on this one, recovering from surgery and teething. Or maybe it's better to do the suffering all at once. Either way I really hate the whole teething business. I wish that they just got all their teeth painlessly in one night.
* she is starting to babble. It's like music to my ears. It's pretty much her going aaaaaAAAAaaaahhhhh. With a couple of squeaks here and there. It's so cute, I love it.
* Remember her fixation with her hands? Well she has added her left foot into the mix. She kicks it up and stares at it for days.
* her hair is starting to grow in thicker!!! It's growing in as a faux hawk. I think that's due to the fact that they kept shaving her sides in the NICU. She is looking like the cutting edge fashion baby like Gwen Stefani's or a Pitt- Jolie.
* we all know she had the first of her cleft surgeries and while it hasn't been easy on her, she is my hero for her strength.

I love it! She is so "bee-utiful"! OK, corny ;) Seriously though, she looks like she is feeling tons better, and it's wonderful to see her so full of smiles <3
You were not kidding about Davys costume being adorable! How much would your Mom charge me for a bee costume just like Davys in my size?
She is ADORABLE and so is the costume, I think I would have her sport it all the time. Great work on the costume Grandma!!
Absolutely adorable!!
I've so enjoyed watching her journey - thanks for keeping us updated.
Absolutely darling
honestly, i could look at pictures of her all day! what a strong little bee she is, indeed.
Your mom is amazing! That costume is so cute! And Davy is adorable!!!!
Every picture of Davy makes my heart melt! She is so incredible and so beautiful! Really, thank you for sharing this with everyone!
Cutest little Halloween bumblebee ever!
I have really loved reading your blog and how you write about things. You are such an inspiration and I admire your entire families strength as well as Davy's. What a choice wonderful spirit. And her costume is the BEST!
Davy's a tough cookie alright, and quite a beauty to boot..thanks again for sharing her with all of us...and your boys are real lookers, too...can't leave them out.....
I LOVE her costume. Nothing better than a homemade Halloween costume.
whoa her hair is growing way thicker! such a cute little bee. so nice of your mom to whip up that costume. so cute!
She looks SO good! And I kinda feel like a mini-celebrity since you commented on my blog. Thanks for the advice.
She's a real "honey". Ha ha ha! Ok, really. She IS! I am marveling at her big round eyes, her strong spirit that shines through, and the miracle the doctors performed. It looks fantastic already!
Oh Ruth.....she is absolutely darling in her bee outfit. How sweet of your Mom to "whip that costume up". I think wearing it daily is a great idea. I mean.....Davy looks so cute in it....why not????? Happy to hear that she is progressing so well!!! Big hugs to you!
Her costume is adorable! She looks so happy and like she is healing very well! Props to you for being a strong mommy through all of this :)
She is just tooooo sweet I absolutely love the little costume....She does look like she is feeling better for sure...have a great day :)
So cute! I love it when they babble. My little boy didn't want to babble, but my daughter loves to. She will have a whole conversation with herself, then yell, "Hi Mommy!"
P.S. I say yes for the bee being added to her everyday wardrobe. It will keep her extra toasty in your not as cold as Utah winter months:)
CUTE! I love your mom - the crochet wizard! In our house, costumes are appropriate EVERY day of the year ;)
So cute and Davy is looking great! Your Mom is so talented in so many ways!
Your little bee is super duper cute! She looks like is feeling a lot better. These pictures made me smile :)
Cutest costume ever! Davy looks wonderful :) and big yahoos on all the amazing progress in the last month...she is something!
She's adorable. I'm new here, but I've read a few of the older entries. I'm so glad she is doing well!
davy is MY hero...
Love it! Love seeing more pictures of her too and happy for you and her that she is getting back to normal!
too cute and talk about healing well! wowee!
love the outfit! adorable
So cute!
Your girl is something special!
(I didn't use a bedazzler, just a glue gun, but a bedazzler would have come in real handy!)
Oh My Goodness, cutest Bee ever!
davy is my hero too. so are you. so is your husband and your boys and all the families who deal with chronic illness.
how do you handel medical bills? my health insurance hates me and i hate them back. i spend hours trying to understand claims and bills and we're in good health. i don't get it.
i just recently found your blog. i am pregnant and our baby has been diagnosed with a cleft lip but intact palette.
your daughter is just beautiful and remarkable for her strength.
the pictures are just so darling and i appreciated seeing before and after photos of her lip repair, as we will eventually be undergoing a similar surgery.
again, thanks for sharing your sweet family and congratulations on such a doll of a girl!
Davy looks adorable-- and this PDF article made me think of y'all the other day. I was doing research for one of my classes and found another person who has Davy's exact chromosome issue (she is 19) and thought you might have seen it, but I would still pass it along:
So cute!!!!
Her un-clefty smile is gorgeous too! And, is that a dimple I see on her left cheek? If so, what a cool surprise.
one amazing little bee, one amazing doctor(s) one amazing family
Love that little bumble bee!!
I grew up with Worsley gang and stumbled on to your blog through one of them. Your pictures are beautiful and your family is so precious. I love Davy. I've never met her and I love her. I want to hug her precious little body. I just had a girl in June 2010 so I am still in that baby love frame of mind. :) I look forward to following your stories from now on!
I love it when I find little Gabba snippits in random places. Makes me think of you guys and little Davy. : )
Hi there. I found your blog through CJane and just wanted to let you know Davy and the rest of your family are adorable! When I first found your blog I noticed you mentioned Davy's deletion and now that I am checking back I see you have added more detail regarding the breakpoints. Although in a different place, our son has a deletion at 1P36.2 to 1P36.3 and we have found the most wonderful online support group. Our family has found such strength from this group. I sincerely hope you have been able to find others through your blog. If not, you are always welcome over at 1P36.
I recently came across your blog too...your little girl is so beautiful and I have been sitting here crying as I read through all your old posts. My little girl was born in May, 15 weeks early and was in the NICU for four and a half months. Thanks for sharing your story.... It is beautiful and wonderful and comforting.
Just wanted to say Hi. i miss your updates. Don't feel pressured to update, just know that we're thinking of you and your family and hoping the little Ms. is doing fabulous.
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