Sunday, August 8, 2010

Surgery #2

Davy goes in for her second surgery tomorrow. She is having her G-tube replaced. A lot of times this procedure can be done in the Doctors office, but because hers was placed in surgically......... it comes out surgically(booooo). It will be replaced with a mic key button, so no more 14 inch tube hanging out, waiting to be pulled. It should be a pretty easy surgery(30 minutes). I think she is a little nervous though.


kimmomofnine said...

Hope the surgery is a snap and Davy is up and sassy in no time.

Reagan said...

you are going to love the button. i mean, compared to a non button. the extensions do tend to come out though since it is only locked in by lining up two little black lines. so sometimes it disconnects and I get formula all over myself, but it is nice to have the freedom from it when she isn't getting feeds.

good luck little davy girl!

Georgia said...

I will be keeping her in my prayers.

TEAM DAVY!!!!!!!

Beth said...

I am looking forward to her button and not having to worry about her 10 inch tube.

I like the picture because I am feeling the same. But I am sure she will be her smiling self in no time.

danielle @ take heart said...

hi, remember me? :) the one who stalks and is so happy you told me where you got those adorable pjs - i will be getting some for my boys asap.

thinking and praying for your sweet little girl!

The {G} Family said...

Good luck sweet girl - and Mama!

Leslie said...

hope all goes well.

From Me to You said...
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From Me to You said...

We will be thinking about little Davy today!! Yesterday we were at Joey's and Mikey said the prayer. The first thing that came out of his mouth was, "Heavenly Father, please let Davy get better." It was so cute. Mikey says that every time he says a prayer! Cute, uh!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

good luck and stay calm (easy to say)

JFabbi said...


You don't have any clue who I am, but you have the most special, beautiful girl in the world. My fifth child, Cami, was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Yep, she had the mic key, and was also hooked up to tubes connected to her trach. She did finally get her button out at around 3 years old. She is now 15 1/2 and has had 19 surgeries. What troopers these little special spirits are. They learn to be so understanding and caring and tough. Gotta love them. I'm not sure how these blogs work, so I hope that you get this message. Please feel free to e-mail any time for questions, comments, or just an ear. My husband is a nurse and I work with special needs preschoolers. Out of 5 children we had 4 that were born with severe birth defects.

You are the mom, nobody knows your little Davy like you. Do what you think is right for her. She will need speech therapy and stuff like that. If I could give one suggestion, keep a little journal of all the things that she says "wrong" because they come out so cute, and you will all laugh about it together when she gets a bit older.

You've got a sweet girl!