Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Girlie room

OH, How I have waited for this day. The day when I got to decorate a girls room.
Ahhhhhhhh, so sweet. I was not messing around when thinking about a how to decorate, straight up rainbows and unicorns. You can't get more over the top girly girl then this. Most everything in here was either upcycled or thrifted. There were a couple of esty purchases sprinkled in there too.
Dresser and mirror are from salvation army. Unicorns and wooden rainbow are from etsy.
I found that deluxe rainbow afghan at a garage sale for $20!!! I had tears in my eyes when I found that gem. The Unicorn head was from Urban Outfitters. The book shelf is an old china hutch that was used on Yo gabba, I couldn't let that beauty go to waste. The curtains were from my boys room and My mom and I sewed the rainbow strips on top of them.
I found this wood carved Unicorn plaque at a garage sale....score!
The Rainbow Unicorn head bookends are from Etsy. I would have killed for these when i was a kid.
I loved this print, I believe in magic. Cuz the Schultz house definitely believes in Magic.
I got this on Etsy too.

Let me know if you see any more Rainbows or Unicorns too add to my collection!
I mean you can never have too many, right?


Stefanie said...

I LOVE this room! The curtains are great!
I will definitely keep my eye out for you :)

Caitlin said...

Love! Love! Love! You did a fantastic job! Everything turned out so cute!

Stephanie said...

I love it Ruth! Such a Girly Room!!!! Its sooo fun and magical!

Lindsay said...

Absolutely adorable! So perfect for the cutest little girl.

Ps--I've been a reader for SUCH a long time & I have never commented, shame on me. :)

whitneyingram said...

Just you wait- this is going to be all over Pinterest in no time.

skull.kitten said...

this gorgeous bedroom reminds me of Rainbow Dash from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic show.

Heather said...

I would have KILLED for this room when I was a kid. I had a huge unicorn collection! I wonder if my mom still has it, I'll have to find out.

aaknitta said...
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jenn (+ will) said...

so so so so fun ruth!!!

Nanette said...

Perfection! What a fun space for anyone! And those curtains are particularly amazeballs!

Betsi* said...

Eeeeee!! Be still my Rainbow Brite loving heart! So awesome.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the room and I am working on not coveting those curtains. Thanks for sharing!

abigayl said...

Ruth! I am in the stages of designing something that would go PERFECTLY in that little miss' room! its still in the "figuring out" stage. if it works out, Im sure you will love it!

Ora said...

Rainbows and Unicorns are a fav here too... WHERE did you find that Alice in Wonderland book? It's so amazing!! (my fav. since I was 2) The best part about growing up is that you still love the same things you did as a child! The curtains are amazing! Great job!

aniC said...


heather said...

i love davy's room. whenever i come over to your house i walk back there for no reason just to go in for a minute. it makes me happy.

merideth said...

such a happy room. so cute. my girls have been collecting these cute little unicorns for a while.
i kinda love them too.

merideth said...
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Amy Rex said...

SO cute ruth!!! love love love it!

Emily said...

Davy is so lucky to have such a fun room!! I LOVE the curtains but also LOVE the yellow dresser!

Crazy Cat Lady said...

This was my daughter's Santa gift this year and I think Davy's room needs one! http://www.etsy.com/transaction/71246481

Allison (the owner) whips up customs super quick too!

Melany said...

love the unicorns and rainbows theme! those unicorn bookends are my favorite part. so cute ruth!

Unknown said...

Super cute! I am sure Davy is in heaven with rainbows and unicorns. I know I am now!

Emily said...

Ruth, this rug would look divine in Davy's room! Not available until July but totally worth the wait! I want it for my den!


mer said...

completely in love with this theme. Those vintage unicorn scores are great!

Ariana Rose said...

That is a super fun and beautiful room for a super fun and beautiful little girl :)