This is crazy, 11 months?!! I can't believe that my lil bird is almost one. This has been a really great month, furreal Yo.
Davy has gained back her weight and then some. She is 17 pounds and 6 oz.
She is eating purees like a champ, but her bottle skills are still lacking . So we have also been working with sippies, cups and straws.
Davy officially hates physical therapy. She screams pretty much the whole time. Luckily she still likes Ot. We still go 3 times a week and then I work with Davy on my own.
I really feel like she has progressed so much because of her therapy.
I have been trying to get Davy to play pat a cake and she straight refuses. Instead she
just grabs onto my hands, so I will do it for her. Hmm..... I think I'm going to have to keep a sharp eye on her, she just might be playing me.
This month Davy has been sick free!! There has been a lot of stuff going around, so we haven't been taking her anywhere, aside from her daily walks and appointments. I am SO
thankful that she has been healthy.

Yes, she did throw up on her sweater before I even took o n e picture.

Sweater-Old navy, Shirt- Babies r us, Skirt- anthropolgie($14.99 after Xmas sale!!) , tights- Gap and flower clip crocheted by Grandma Vegas.

Davy has been making the funniest faces lately, especially when she is trying to do something that's hard for her. Like..... sitting up on her own , or her latest trick which is(your not gonna believe it when I tell you ) she is pushing up on ALL FOURS!!! Well her back legs are usually in a frog position, but sometimes when she makes her funny faces, she can muster the strength to go up on her knees. Don't worry I have proof down below.
Just a couple more faces.....and

C'mon Davy, You can do it!!!