It has happened. The dreaded flu got a hold of lil Davy(or so i thought.) 2am Friday morning Davy started to throw up....like cuh- razy throw up. Like body convulsing every 30 minutes kind of throw up. She had her last adrenal medication at 12am, so her endocrine Doc had us wait it out til her next dosage which is at 8am. Which she quickly threw up, so it was go time. We drove down to Choc ER. Her Doc called triage so we could get in pronto. She said if we had to wait more then 15 minutes then we needed to give her her emergency shot in the waiting room. Now, I know I give Davy a daily shot, but not like this one. The needle is the size of a small twig, so I really did not want to do it. Luckily we walked right in. They took blood, gave her fluids and miraculously got an IV in 2 tries! I could have kissed that Er nurse and her magic hands.The Er Doc comes in and tells us it looked like she had a Urinary tract infection(UTI) and that she would need to be in the hospital for 4 to 8 hours. So i said OK, 4 to 8, not bad. No Miss, 48 hours. I actually laughed...oh wow, 48 hours, I did not prepare for that. So we are back in the Hospital and what was supposed to be 48 hours is going to be longer. She has some infections going on and they need to play it safe. She is pretty lethargic and is sleeping a lot. But her vitals are great and she is keeping her food down.
Please say some prayers for our Davy.
Poor baby. Praying!
You got it, Ruth. Prayers for your little warrior!
EJ, www.thesearemyreasons.blogspot.com
so sorry ruth! hope she gets out soon.
Praying, praying and more praying for "sweet-little-bird" Davy! Sending hugs your way, too!
definitely praying for your little miss. that is no fun at all.
This happened to our Aris last Christmas. Her Uti turned into pyelonephritis. Her fever hit 106.1 & her ER visit landed her in the hospital for 6 days. It was so scary. Hope little Davy recovers soon. Sending prayers your way!
Poor Davy! My prayers are with you and your family. She is such an amazing (and adorable) little girl!
Oh poor Davy! We will be praying for her to quickly recover! Hang in there mom!
I am so sorry to read this. Will be praying right now. Remember the title from your last post...you will survive. May your whole household have great health this whole year....after you come home. :-)
sending fast healing vibes to Davy, hope the hospy stay is short and sweet ~~~get better~~~
Hey, Ruth...
I just put Lola down and was praying/begging that she would sleep through the night. She had her first bout of illness this week (which is most likely a side effect of teething-I think) and she was up screaming for hours last night. We ended up in the car circling our neighborhood for quite some time to finally calm her down. In 8.5 months that was my first sleepless night.
Anyway, I was just sitting here dreading a repeat of last night and then I read this. And while I'm super bummed Davy's not doing it so great right now, I'm grateful for the perspective this gives me -right when I needed it. Hang in there and Davy (and you) will be in our prayers.
Kids look so down when hospitalized. Hope she's better soon and back home soon!
Bless your heart. I will totally be praying for both of you. Having just done a stint in the hospital ourselves, I am full of empathy. No fun!
So sorry for what you are going through. Davy is such a brave little darling. You have a lot of support in the blogging world. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
I will be praying for sweet little Davy. She must be so miserable. I love her hair......my grandsons did that for a couple of months. I was sad when it started laying down, hah.
Feel better Baby Girl.
Nothing like testing that New Year's Resolution 8 days in - prayers for a quick recovery for beautiful Davy!
Poor little thing. Poor mom and family. Good luck to you all and a fast(er) recovery!
I am praying for Davy. Our Ever was just hospitalized for 8 days with RSV so I totally understand how you are feeling. xo
I am so sorry to read that Davy is back in the hospital. I'm praying for her, for you and for the rest of your family. Your strength and character through all of this continues to amaze me. Sending you lots of hugs from NYC.
Her picutres are so cute but she looks so sad.
This has only been her 2nd visit in the 7 months that she has been home from the NICU. I was really prepared for this happening more often. I think you have done an amazing job of keeping her healthy this far.
Hang in there...2011 you will survive. : )
Poor thing. Praying she gets well quickly.
Oh no! I am praypraypraying for little Davy and all of you. Hang in there, Ms. Ruth!
i can't remember how i came across your blog originally, but i feel like i know you personally after keeping up with your doings since davy was born. whenever she is having some kind of health issue, i find myself thinking about your family and wondering how you are all doing. so needless to say, i'm sending good vibes and energy your way!! thanks for sharing your life with a random like me.
i can't remember how i came across your blog originally, but i feel like i know you personally after keeping up with your doings since davy was born. whenever she is having some kind of health issue, i find myself thinking about your family and wondering how you are all doing. so needless to say, i'm sending good vibes and energy your way!! thanks for sharing your life with a random like me.
Beautiful Davy. Thinking of you little munchkin. And you too, Ruth xx
she does look like she's sad and lethargic, but in these pictures she looks WAY better than she did right before you went to the hospital. poor girl. keep us updated.
Poor Shultz' family. But poor you watching PICC attempts on your baby girl
I usually start raising my voice around attempt #3, do you too??
puhleeeease come back and let us know how Davy girl is doing!
I follow your blog and have for a while. Hope little Davy is on the mend. I keep checking back and thinking about you and your family! prayers your way for sure.
p.s. thought of you when I saw the side art today on tee fury...thought your husband would especially appreciate it. (the reference to gabba gabba)
Prayers sent... hope they work for you and lil' Davy.
Sending well wishes for you and your brood. Heal quickly, all of you. Davy's sweet little face always lights up my day. Hope we see a smile from her soon.
those pictures are so sweet of your girl! i am praying for her quick recovery and for strength for you.
Oh man! I am so sorry that she had to go through this! :(
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