12 weeks ago Husband embarked on a major life change. He had grown tired of his fat suit.(his words not mine) He was tired of being tired. So he went to lindora(a diet center)and started a hardcore diet. He was eating about 900 calories a day and worked out 5 days a week. 10 weeks later he has lost 40 pounds!! It was not easy, but totally worth it. He is a different person now. He is healthier, happier and he no longer drinks 2 big gulps of coke a day. So this year we are trying to keep up with the healthy life style. I am slowly trying to shedding my own fat suit.(sloooowlyy) I am VERY proud of you Husband.

Still amazing to me everytime I see him! The name John Stamos comes to mind.....heehee!!
Wow Scott! That's amazing. Good for you. And ya, I've used the term "fat suit" in reference to myself. I need to shed mine soon or I'm going to go crazy. You're an inspiration Scott.
its amazing how I would never think scott needed to lose a pound and then you see how great he looks. good job! 900 calories huh
yay! good for you scott! that's killer will power - something this new mom needs to shed preggo pounds...
He looks great! He not only lost pounds... he lost a few years. He looks so much younger.
I love the lindora diet. I had tried everything and nothing was working anymore. Thanks Ruth for convincing me to give it try. A year later and I am still a size 12! THANKS!
While I have to say that Scott's "fat suit" was very "fat", he certainly looks very fit and healthy now!
I know the sacrifices he had to make to get where he is now.....GOOD FOR HIM!!!!!
And Ruth....you look fabulous!
Scott, you rock.
Ruth, you Rock. (capital R for emphasis..)
good for scott! i'm sure he had to work hard, but it always seems so much easier for men to loose weight than women.
Wow! That is so inspiring b/c I need to shed my fat suit! I'm way inspired by Scott giving up Coke! I need to give up Coke Zero!!!!
Your blog is so fun! Reading it makes me A. miss living by you guys B. miss living in CA & C. miss awesome haircuts & eyebrow waxes! I still have not found anyone who has done a better job!!! Do you & Betsy still work there? How fun that Scott started YGG! Did he create the show or what? I can't wait to tell James! That is awesome for you guys! Thanks for hooking me up with your blog b/c now it'll be so fun to keep in touch!!!!:)
ps-how is the one brother & wife who moved into the ward after they just got married? he ended up doing their dad's catering business? i visit taught his wife & i'm totally spacing on her name but she was so cute!
that is awesome scott! you look great.
He looks HOT!
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