Time flies when I don't blog, huh? On March 20th Davygirl turned three. Can I just say how much has changed in a year? She has grown in so many areas. She has all of her Doctors baffled and excited. It's like she's a special needs genius.......OK, I realize i may be taking this a little too far. But she has so many new tricks, and it's pretty cool.
This was the first year we did the streamers with her. It took her a few second and then she realized...booya, I'm gonna tear this place up!
My favorite part is that Daddy put her to bed in her clothes from the day before with her pigtails and clips in.....only daddy.
Look how proud she is. She got to see Max and Ollie do this recently, so she was ready to rock. She felt like such a big girl.
The party can't start til the hat is on. But hers needed a little help. I think i need to make a new one.
Davy's birthday breakfast was bananas and some pancakes....that's right, she ate pancakes.I got her dressed in one of my favorite outfits(American Apparel and took the girl to go shopping. I thought it would be fun to see if she would pick out a toy.
Her choice.....Minnie Mouse. She saw her and moaned uhhhhhhhhh. She was in love. she was so excited, she kept giving her loves.
Then we went with cousins to the Children's museum. Davy just loves to be out with people. I think because of all the times she has been couped up indoors, she does not take people for granted. If she is out and about, she's gonna party. In spite of all that she has to go through, she really loves life.
All I can think is"Tommy want wingy"
If you don't know this quote....it's Chris Farley. Yes my daughter does a spot on Farley impression.
Davy can't help herself. If there is music, she will dance. Even if it's an out of tune rendition of Happy Birthday. She can't be stopped, she must get down.
We celebrated with family the Sunday before, with all of her cousins and I made the rainbow cake that is all over Pinterest. it turned out pretty good. It just s l o w l y started sinking. I guess I should still post a picture of it.....OK, you talked me into it.
Davy enjoying the finer things in life. Homegirl still likes to chow down. I think she can out eat Oliver easily.
What Davy is up to now**********
* she has about 20 signs she can do
* along with signing, she points and grunts and pulls to get what she wants. She is pretty effective.
* BUT.....within the last couple of months her Vocab has doubled. She has been saying about 20 words. Most are just the first syllable of the word. But she has a couple of two syllable ones like, Mommy, daddy, howayou(how are you), hepme(help me) and she has just said Hopper(Harper). In all fairness he is the one who plays with her, so he deserves the love.
* she loves Yo Gabba. Girl can get down. She actually dances like Elaine in Seinfeld, almost exactly. It's a riot, I love it when she dances.
* she is very polite. she signs, please and thank you. But YOU had better sign you're welcome back or she gets maaad. Her politeness only goes so far and she won't stand for your rudeness.
* she weighs 37 pounds......yep my back is killing me. She is 3 feet, so she is nice and chunky.
*She loves babies to death.......really you might want to keep them away from her. I can't promise you anything.
* She will play with baby dolls and loves to dress up. Nothing holds her interest for to long though. After about 2 minutes, she just throws whatever is in her hands at whomever is closest. She is just a tornado. People still are her favorite toys. Oh and your cell phone. She has called Biz, Jason Bateman and Wayne Coyne all by accident. I need to get Scott's contacts off of my phone.
* She loves any and all attention. If I try to have a conversation with anyone and it doesn't involve her....watch out. She will hit and bite her self and whimper, owww. She yells, MOOOOOOOOOM. She has grabbed her poop and thrown it (my personal Fav) and she has pulled out her Mic Key button and handed it to me with a wicked grin. I really have to keep on eye on her, she is always on the brink of death, I swear. Such a stinker. But I lover her to death. She makes me so happy, with all the love she has to give. i wish you all could meet her cuz she really is a special spirit. So now that she is 3, she is starting school. I will be telling you all about it soon....promise.
The sloppy jaloppy rainbow cake. But where it lacked in looks, it made up in taste.
Not bad, huh. I mean it's pretty amateur Pinterest, but everyone loved it.
My mother in law thought I was some kind of cake genius. Nope just a cake copycat.
Happy birthday, Davy!!
Love it! Too funny about Davy's crank calls. She's not supposed to start that til middle school. ;) Happy Birthday, fabulous girl. Shine on, you crazy diamond.
Happy Birthday Davy!
My favorite was walking in her room, closing the door and seeing the brown decor all over the door.
I cannot take the Tommy want wingy picture. It has me rolling. So so funny that you thought to caption that picture with that. Loved it. Happy Birthday sweet girl!
Happy birthday honey!
You are so beautiful!!!
This makes me so happy. Happy for you and your family. Happy for her. Happy that she has a life no one thought she could have.
Happy Birthday Davy!
Happy Birthday Davy girl! She is so cute and I laughed out loud at the Tommy boy pic. So great! Oh Davy, what a sweet little ball of sunshine. Hugs!
Oh my gosh....Davy is so adorable, and getting so big. Time sure flies. Loved all the pictures. Looks like her birthday was a HIT.
How joyful to see Davy enjoy her third birthday.
Biz is totally my son's favorite part of Yo Gabba, we spend the rest of the day beat boxing. She looks so big and grown up!
So glad she had a great birthday! Davy always looks so happy and, like you said, loving life! That Chris Farley face picture cracked me up. Happy Birthday, Davy!
"Tommy want wingy" haha... that cracked me up!!
Happy Birthday Davy-girl!! I can't believe how she has grown.. and her hair is so long. And did I miss that she was eating now??
THREE ALREADY!?!? I can't believe it. Happy Birthday Davy! My Cora turned three on March 3rd, and I feel like our girls have grown up together, even though they obviously haven't. I love following along with your life so post when you can and make this perfect stranger happy.
PS> Freakin' amazing cake.
I have been following you blog for a very long time! It makes me so happy when you do updates on Davy & your boys. I have four boys and one girl. My son has physical special needs. I love seeing your family happy & healthy!! About this post: Davy is soooo cute. Where has the time gone?!! Also, umm Justin Bateman may or may not be one of top three celebrity crushes. I wouldn't be THRILLED to accidentally call him or anything. ;) Honestly it's a good thing I don't have his #. I'd probably have a heart attack. ;). Well, as "fake Gladys" used to
say on the Ellen show, "Keep on keeping on." Have you guys have a great Spring/upcoming Summer!
SO happy to check in and see the Davy birthday update :) She is rockin' this whole growing up thing isn't she?! What a beautiful, strong chick.
the fact being that you (slash scott) have Jason Bateman in your phone contacts. I guess this could be a 'such a schultz' moment? Haha i love and miss you guys so much! Cant wait to see you all this summer!
Congratulations on being such a wonderful family and on raising little Davy in such a positive, kind and loving environment. One can tell even if I don't know you personally :)
I wish you and your family the best and to liittle Davy a lot LOT LOT of happiness
Been reading for awhile...enjoying your updates on your adorable little Davy girl. How is she doing??
I miss your blog posts! Hope you and your family are happy and healthy!
Hey I am really amazed to see your strength,my daughter has 1p36 deletion syndrome so doctor said she will have significant mental and physical challenges ahead,she is only 2 weeks old,she has cleft lip,hole in the heart and dialted ventricles,smaller corpus callosum and smaller cerebellum, strawberry shaped brain...What challenges you had to go through and how did you resolve it?Can you just reply me,I would be really grateful to you, seriously I am glad to find this blog,tons of thanks to you
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